
Finalist in the category “Project of the Year” at the Heavy Lift Awards 2023

July 20, 2023


Logistics, Project Logistics

We are excited to announce that DREWES Logistics has been selected as a finalist for the "Project of the Year"-category of the Heavy Lift Awards 2023, presented by the Heavy Lift & Project Forwarding International (HLPI) magazine. HLPI has established the Heavy Lift Awards to recognize and reward excellence in complex logistics, transportation and engineering projects around the world.

The Heavy Lift Awards are a benchmark for excellence in our industry. This nomination is a testament to our unwavering commitment and dedication to excellence in project logistics. We have always strived to deliver unparalleled solutions for complex logistical challenges, and being recognized as a finalist for this prestigious award is a source of pride.

As a leader in the logistics industry, we understand the importance of efficient project management, especially for heavy lift contracts. The ability to handle and transport oversized and heavy cargo requires careful planning, specialized equipment and a highly skilled workforce. These strengths helped us to successfully execute our Project of the Year - the transportation of three massive bio-LNG storage tanks from the Czech Republic to Cologne, Germany. The nomination itself is a confirmation of the hard work, passion and innovation that our team has brought to the table. 

While we eagerly await the announcement of the award winner, we would like to express our gratitude to HLPI Magazine for recognizing our achievements in project logistics. Regardless of the outcome, we can say with certainty that the journey was worthwhile. This nomination motivates us to continue to strive for excellence, push the boundaries of innovation, and provide our customers with the best possible solutions to their project logistics needs. 

We would also like to thank everyone who is already part of our journey. We appreciate being your partner of choice for innovative logistics solutions to move the world in a better way together. 

Stay tuned for more updates and wish us luck for the final announcement. The awards ceremony will take place on Wednesday, October 25th, 2023, at the Royal Lancester Hotel in London. 

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