No man is an island - so no company is, too. It's just a simple idea, but it leads us to our conviction: We cooperate honestly, respectfully and sustainable. Because it matters not only, what we do, but even more how we do it. We work with customers and partners around the world, yesterday, today and tomorrow. It's our tested and approved relationship, that makes us strong - all of us. And this is, what drives us:
DREWES Group is about our engagement and dedication to what we are doing. Our passion is an indicator of each person’s commitment, and it inspires us to approach every challenge creatively and optimistic. With passion, we seek the best and commit to it.
To show respect is to show sincerity. We endorse-it in our behaviors that are based on honesty, good conduct, and transparency toward all of our partners. We are fully aware of our responsibility as a global company and comply with the highest regulations and standards to act in the interests of our staff and our clients.
In everything we do, we aim for excellence. We exploit our successes and fulfill our commitments to our clients. The quality of our work, in compliance with safety requirements, offers our clients a high value.
We focus on the long-term outlook in every aspect of our activities. Safety and customer relations are always at the forefront of our actions. Our success depends on our ability to innovate, progress, and succeed, now and in the future.
We give teams greater capacity to take action and make decisions. Our employees are authors of their own development and constantly explore, evolve, and innovate not only themselves, but our business.
Compliance management at DREWES Group comprises rules, standards, and processes intended to ensure laws and policy requirements are observed within the company. By emphasizing value and risk-oriented approach, our compliance management promotes appropriate behavior and the social legitimacy of our mission. Compliance is embedded consistently in the company at all levels.
Preventative and systematic HSSEQ-work shall be an integral part of our everyday business. Our objective is to work according to a zero philosophy, which comprises: no damages or injuries, no environmental damages, no occupational illnesses, no quality defects.
DREWES Group is a leading project logistics service provider for the steel, oil & gas, and steel construction industry. We shall achieve these aims by working in accordance with our management system ISO 9001 standards. Our HSSEQ-work shall contribute to a safe and healthy business that we can take pride in and thereby also increase the trust with our customers, our owners, and society as a whole.
Ensure that our priorities, behaviour, and actions are governed by our zero-damages philosophy.
Motivate and arrange for all our employees to take an active part in improving HSSEQ, and ensure a good working environment for all employees.
Ensure that all leaders take responsibility for HSSEQ-results in their respective areas of responsibility.
Establish objectives for improvement and for taking action, as well as establishing routines for measurement, reporting, and evaluation of results.
Always be in compliance with our legal obligations and customers’ HSSEQ-requirements.
Always be in compliance with our ethical policy.
Continuously develop and improve our work processes and the quality of our products and services, thereby ensuring our competitiveness and compliance with customers and authorities’ requirements and expectations, including ISPS and Industry security standards.
Ensure that we prevent pollution and protect the environment in which we operate.
Always deliver cost-effective solutions of correct quality to ensure a long-term and robust customer relationship, and for the protection of the environment.
Ensure that our suppliers and collaboration partners’ HSSEQ-policy is in accordance with our own policy and our work.
Managing Director
Dr.-Ing. Patric Drewes
Bremen / Berlin
Managing Director
Robert A. Drewes
Bremen / Berlin